GAMELOG - Games I've played 2024 and onward!
ひぐらしのなく頃に Chapter 1. Onikakushi

It took me a while to get into this series... I was intimidated by all the different chapters and anime adaptations. Because I was ignorant to the fact chapter one is free, I regrettably started with the anime. (The first one and Kai)

As an avid horror enjoyer, I feel that the anime leans into more of the gorey/horror focused aspects of the story. That said, the first vn chapter outdoes two whole seasons of the anime in terms of detail, immersion, and mystery. I saw someone say the anime is like the cliffnotes version of the series and I would have to agree... Even after being familiar with the story, the vn was able to catch me off guard, mainly with all the details I didn't know or remember.

Probably my main gripe with this story is some of the repetition, it seems like certain things I thought were already established are repeates unnecessarily. Mostly the revelations made to Keiichi by Ooishi. Oh yeah, the fan service too. I hate that shit. Besides those flaws, I think it's a pretty good series so far.

The voice-only version of the 07th mod is the path I took for this playthrough and I'll probably continue that way. I just thought the updated graphics and censoring washed out some of the retro(?) aspects that I like. They could never make me hate the original Ryukishi sprites.

If anyone reading this wants to get into this series, you can install the novel here and find the 07th mod here.

Date added: 09/01/2024